Welcome to Your Dentist in Long Beach
Holistic Dentist in Long Beach
Our Practice’s Mission:
The mission of the Dental Wellness Center is to teach its patients about the unique nature of their oral status through a co-learning process between doctor and patient that empowers them to make informed choices regarding its future. Health is not a commodity that can be dispensed – it is the result of a dual commitment between the doctor and patient based on transparency and trust developed along a diagnostic path of co-discovery, resulting in patient confidence through the knowledge acquired therein.
The Holistic Dental Wellness Center exists to assist its patients in achieving a level of oral health that they would desire. In order to reach that level, a thorough understanding of their current oral health needs to be discovered.
This involves a process that begins with a doctor-patient interview followed by collection of data by a thorough examination of the patient’s teeth, state of gum health, TMJ function and appearance. This includes assessments that uncover the causes of problems in each of these areas.
This data is then molded into a written Review of Findings that is reviewed and illustrated thoroughly during a following appointment using the latest in educational technology. These aspects of oral health – teeth; state of gum health; TMJ function and appearance are all intertwined, and when you leave that appointment you will have an understanding of how and why the condition your mouth compares to ideal health in each of those parameters.
With this new knowledge, areas of health that you would like to have improved are prioritized based upon time and finances, and a long-term plan is developed unique to your needs and desires. This is in stark comparison to the predominant insurance-driven, traditional mode of dentistry wherein a dental examination and treatment recommendations are made without the patient having a full understanding of the causes for their need and potential for reoccurrence in the future.
Thus, the mission of the Dental Wellness Center: “To educate its patients about the status of their oral system to such a degree that they can make informed choices about its future.”
We Are Committed to Your Oral Health
At Holistic Dental Wellness Center, we are committed to ensuring your oral health is in excellent condition. We make this possible by attending to all dental issues, existing and potential, during your visit. Call today 562-421-3747.