TMJ Treatment in Long Beach

Are you suffering from complications of TMD (Temporomandibular Dysfunction aka “TMJ”)?
Tired of the headaches and chronic pain? Dr. Iman Abdeshahian has the expertise to both diagnose and treat the problem.
TMJ Explained
Sue makes clear the price of poor occlusion — and what you can do about it.
To illustrate, we show BioSue in her Mago and describe how it holds her jaw joint in position, giving BioSue comfort and rest:
Why do so many patients choose Dr. Iman Abdeshahian?
Experience You Can Trust
Dr. Iman Abdeshahian and his team have years of experience helping TMJ sufferers find relief. He can effectively diagnose the cause of your TMJ symptoms, and provide immediate, non-invasive treatment. If you are suffering from headaches or chronic pain associated with TMD, you will want a dentist with experience you can trust. When you become a patient at The Dental Wellness Center, you will be getting the best treatment available.
Effective Treatment
Dr. Iman Abdeshahian treats the underlying causes of TMD as well as the problematic symptoms. With an innovative treatment protocol, MAGO therapy. He can align your TMJ’s and relieve the symptoms of Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD). He will diagnose and holistically treat the underlying cause of your pain and discomfort.
Attentive Care
Dr. Iman Abdeshahian and his team will address all your questions and concerns. They realize that TMD-induced migraines, headaches, jaw pain, earaches and balance problems (vertigo) all add stress and discomfort to your life. Through their record of helping people with similar problems, they will become your advocate in obtaining the results they know they can deliver.
If you’re in Long Beach or surrounding areas, please call our office at 562-421-3747 to get more information about TMJ Treatment in Long Beach.